Practicing Psychotherapist/Head Tutor in Psychotherapy of UK based and accredited counseling trainings (CPCAB-UK).
In ClientService
These are our residential services for individuals and their families to receive the highest standard of personal clinical care for Drug Addiction Rehab
Out Client Services
These are our confidential, non residential services and are for individuals and families to receive the highest standard of humanistic clinical care & Drug Addiction Rehab
UK Accredited Counselling Courses
Training to be a counselor is an exciting, challenging, sometimes demanding, but always dynamic and rewarding life experience.
Our Services
Chief Psychotherapist

Tahir Zahoor Ahmed
Chief Psychotherapist
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Courses Accredited with CPCAB-UK
The Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) is a United Kingdom based awarding body and the only awarding body in Europe to specialize in the field of counselling. The CPCAB is managed by renowned professional trainers, counselors and supervisors. The Certificate Course in Humanistic Counselling and the Diploma in Integrative Counselling offered at Therapy Works (Private Limited) are fully accredited by the CPCAB.
You can get an idea of the differences between the three by reading below:
Psychiatrist – A medical professional who has trained at a medical college and chosen this specialty at the end of his/ her training. A psychiatrist deals predominantly with mental health, drug addiction rehab with mental health illnesses and can prescribe medications as a way of treating a condition.
Psychologist – A psychologist is a person who studies human behavior and the way people function on a mental and emotional level. A psychologist will use tests to measure IQ, to determine a personality type or a person’s capabilities to perform certain tasks. She/he would use counselling skills in their work with people to tackle drug addiction rehab.
Psychotherapist – A psychotherapist has trained in helping people to look at their life issues including drug addiction rehab using various techniques, depending on different approaches adopted. Psychotherapy is usually a long-term process and works with life patterns and the client’s whole personal story if using drug addiction rehab.
After completing both the Certificate Course in Humanistic Counselling and the Diploma in Integrative Counselling, people can generally start seeing clients. For more details regarding these internationally certified courses, please Contact us.
The use of drug in our society has spread and reached schools and colleges today. Regrettably, we have to say that most family members, especially parents, remain unaware of their children falling victim to drug addiction. We need to realize that it is a disease and needs drug addiction rehab services for treatment.
Signs to Identify a Drug Addict in the Family
Some emotional and physical signs appear when a person has become addicted to drug. However, as a responsible family member, do not immediately assume that the person is doing it and start rebuking that person. Instead, observe and identify the severity to be treated at a drug addiction rehab center.
Emotional Signs
• Bad mood, anger, and depression • Irritability, aggressiveness, and distraction • Refusing to recognize the harmful effects of drug • Teling lies and stealing inside the house constantly • Have friends who don’t want you to meet or who don’t want to talk • Give evasvise answers when they are asked “where you have been” • Loss of motivation • Lack of interest in everyday life • Skip classes for school/college • The decline in school or work performance • Neglect in the fulfillment of obligations and duties
Physical Signs
• Being mostly in the state in which there is a feeling of tiredness, heaviness, sleepiness, dullness of the senses and clumsiness in movements • Tremor in hands • Red eyes and dilated pupils for no apparent reason • Lack of interest in personal hygiene and careless appearance in dress • Excessive loss or increase in appetite • Uncoordinated Movements • Eye bags • Irregular sleep schedules (tendency to sleep in the day and stay awake at night) • Frequent colds and cough • Weight loss
Issues with drug Addicts
Drug addiction involves poor control over the consumption of drug. Poor control means that people cannot control the amount of drug they consume. It also means that they cannot control their behavior while under the influence of drug.
Things You Need to Do to Help an Addict in the Family for Drug Addiction Rehab
The first thing to do when you have confirmed that there is a drug addict in the family is to avoid being alarmed and to panic. Resentment, guilt, anger, and feeling like you have failed as a parent are some of the common first reactions, but you need to calm down so that you can analyze the situation and find the help for drug addiction rehab center you need to address the problem. Secondly, avoid blaming yourself or others for the problem.
Later, calmly and objectively, talk about the current issue and behavior. This situation is not easy, so if you first need to walk and get some air, do it, and then start the conversation.
When talking to your family member, ensure that he is clear about your opposition or position regarding drug use, set family rules, and ensure they understand them. Also, let the drug addict know that in case of non-compliance with the rules, the sanction will be applied according to the disciplinary rules agreed by the family.
Do not give in to your family member’s promise that he will not do so again and do not feel sorry or ashamed about the situation. Instead, face it and seek specialized drug addiction rehab center help to deal with the problem. At Therapy Works, we have 24-hour attention focused on giving personalized attention to your loved ones.
Investigate what kind of drug addiction treatments exist to treat a person with drug addiction, what they consist of, what their objectives and outcomes are, their duration, and costs. Locate the one that suits your family member’s situation. Ask the professionals to conduct a comprehensive initial evaluation and diagnosis for drug addiction rehab.
Family participation in drug addiction rehab is essential. Thus, the family will also be guided by the therapist to establish and follow strategies that involve and keep the patient in treatment. Family members should learn and generate behaviors that are responsible for maintaining abstinence from the recovered family member. Also, family members should maintain a firm attitude that in the event of a relapse, the patient should return to the care process as soon as possible.
Contact Therapy Works for Drug Addiction Rehab
We are a renowned drug addiction rehab center in Pakistan. We have the best doctors, psychiatrists, and therapists for drug rehabilitation. We have an excellent reputation and you can trust us with 100% confidence.
We urge that you should not let drug addictions destroy your life. We believe that drug should not control you. Thus, we give you the professional support you need to get rid of this evil. We ensure that you can get over it and recover your family, work, and social life too. Simply say no to depend on a substance that can destroy your very existence.
We have a reasonable fee structure and we give personalized attention to our clients. We assure you that you will successfully get rid of drug for good. Also, we prepare you to return to your family and work-life without any hassle. Please, get in touch with us for an expert drug addiction rehab program.